
Carl Sagan - Pale Blue Dot

I think this right here pretty much says it all when it comes to the significance of humanity. We are wrapped in such a paradox. The earth is everything and yet it is just a pale blue dot. Humanity is everything and yet it is nothing. I use this for Informationalism because I think it shares the spirit of wonder that Informationalism tries to capture. It is with the knowledge that we are this "pale blue dot" that we should feel compelled to drop our petty stereotypes and strive to uncover the vast mystery of the universe in which we live.


Anonymous said...

Well expressed, it is only when we start to perceive the wonder and mystery of our world that we can begin to move out of our comfort zones and into a wider perception of reality.

Larry said...

Good way to look at life and humanity in such a simple precept.

Coffee Messiah said...

Glad to see you back and this was quite nice!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It is with the knowledge that we are this "pale blue dot" that we should feel compelled to drop our petty stereotypes and strive to uncover the vast mystery of the universe in which we live.

Perhaps I'm a dullard, but I'd simply settle for an adjustment in perspective that makes us better stewards of this 'pale blue dot'. It is after all the only pale blue dot we've got.

tin-tin said...

i just remember the quote..
you may just be someone to the world, but you may be the world to one person :)